Hi there, I hope you’re having a wonderful Wednesday. I know I am.

I have been working on some more stuff for my website, but it’s going a bit slow from time to time. Gotta have time for crocheting and knitting too right ? 

Have you ever worked on something and found you have to start over ’cause you suddently got doubts that what you wrote down was accurate ? 

That’s me, this week. But more about that in a bit. First I want to show you what I’m currently working on.


W.I.P. : Knitting.


I was fortunate enough that my mom ,gave me the most gorgeous yarn, “Lana Grossa Garzato Più”, from Lana Grossa, so I decided I would knit a cardigan for myself.

I found a nice cardigan with cables in a booklet from Lana Grossa  “Lana Grossa Filati Pocket no.3”

I love the color and it’s an easy knit you can do when watching tv.

W.I.P. : Crochet


Next I’ve  been playing around with Irish Crochet. I love Irish Crochet as much as I love Tunisian Crochet. It’s a bit hard on the fingers though when you’re not used to it. Those tiny hooks can really do it to your fingerstill, I love it.

I’m using a size 10 mercerized cotton thread and hook size 1,25 mm and so far I’ve managed to do some roses, shamrocks and buttonies.

W.I.P. : Tunsian Crochet

Remember I talked about starting over ? Well this is it.

I’ve been working on my first patterns in Tunisian Crochet, a dishcloth and a bonnet, and then when I was about to start writing the pattern , I wasn’t sure if it was the right hooksize I had written in my notes.

So I’ll have to start over. Has this ever happened to you?

So my first patterns are going to be delayed, but here’s what the finished items will look like.

And that’s it for me this Wednesday. What have you been working on ?

For more awesome W.I.P.’s be sure to stop by Tami’s :


Talk soon
